We found this interesting research on the relation of extruder screw geometries, melt viscosity and thermal efficiency.
• Radial melt temperatures depend on screw type, screw speed and set temperature
• Single flighted extruder screws exhibited poorer temperature homogeneity
• Barrier flighted screw with spiral mixer achieve better temperature homogeneity
• Level of tempreature fluctuations increases with increasing HDPE's melt viscosity
• Specific energy consumption depends upon polymer melt visciosity

Great work by the researchers!
We are thankful for their contribution to open source knowledge.
Acknowledgement: Vera-Sorroche, J., Kelly, A. L., Brown, E. C., Gough, T., Abeykoon, C., Coates, P. D., ... & Price, M. (2014). The effect of melt viscosity on thermal efficiency for single screw extrusion of HDPE. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 92(11), 2404-2412.